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    Lawn Mower Racing, 4-wheeling(as in Jeeps)

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  1. Where can I go to buy one? all of the electronics stores in my area either carry Sony or nothing. any good websites?
  2. I need a step up MD recorder for an above entry level user. I need a recorder with a mic, not line in, input, possibly optical out/in? ac connectivity, and USB input. A remote would be nice, but not nessessary. I want this all for $100 US. SHarp or Sony, I don't care.
  3. I am looking for an entry level live recording device. I need a powered mic input, USB connectivity, and nothing else. I do not need a optical input, even though it would be interesting. All other features would just be icing. I will even buy used, since I already know how to use the basic features and do not need software, if it is a sony. Sharp or Panasonic, I would be interested, if it was CHEAP!! My first and formost need is a low pricetag. Thiw entire package has to be less than the 410, or else it would be worthless to upgrade. This is why I was willing to go used. Anyone know of any good deals that fit the criteria set above? If so, please respond.
  4. what are some of the features of the 510, other than line in. Outside of sony, what else is there for the ameteur recorder? Also, Know of any good deals for the 510?
  5. I own an Sony MZ-NE410. But my needs have changed, and I need the line in. I want to keep the 410 for playing and PC recording, I just want a MD recorder with a line in. Also, any reccomendations for a beginner mic?
  6. Thank you for setting me straight on the input.
  7. Virtually anything you can buy at an electronics store will be better than what comes with it. the stock headset is absolutley terrible. I use a pair of jensen wrap-behind headphones. They sound significantly better than the headset that comes with thew NE410.
  8. Not a bad explaination. But my point still stands. The product works perfectly fine, although it may not be good for someone who has a definite need for a line in. Worked fine for me. And also, I did my homework. I wanted something to copy CDs and maybe a few MP3s. Simple Burner worked great after I figured it out(if all else fails, read the manual!). Ibelieve the moral of this story is not "do your homework" but instead "Don't buy reconditioned products!" Steven Wood
  9. Listen, when I bought it, it was all I needed. But, after using it for a while, I realized that it was missing something. The machine works fine, does everything I need and more. But, a mic input would be nice. I am sick and tired of groups that shun people who buy products that the individual or outspoken minority does not like. After living with the 410 for several weeks, the machine has recieved only one flaw in my mind. no Fuckin' Mic! Other than that, it is a wonderful product. Thanks anyway Steven Wood
  10. I have no idea what some of the bitrates are on some of my MP3s, but they all dowmloaded fine, and they all play well. My only complaint with the NE410 is: NO LINE IN!!! :cry: :x
  11. I registered, did not check my e-mail, and i could not log in, then I checked my e-mail, activated my account, and I can now say: that was me Steven Wood
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