It's a lose-lose situation for end uers - a company won't keep making things they can't sell. There's no choice sometimes, you gotta keep up with the changing world. Besides, aren't we all missing something? Back in the day, I chose MD over CDRs since it is much more comfertable and "logical", if you will. I ain't up for no gonna-break-if-I-drop it HD players and I'm sure that the 3 MD units I have (no HiMD yet, or ever) will last me a good time before they all poop out on me. And by then we'll have efficient flash players wich are, wether you like it or not - exremely comforable and more userfriendly than recording changing MDs all day long. MD is a fine piece of tecnology and it was great for it's time but life is ever evolving and you gotta get with the times. The only advantage MD really has as of now is bettery life - and that won't laste forever. I say we keep collecting till it's all gone and then we got ourselfs a fine piece of history rather than a market with just a handfull of people.