Would anybody have access the all the original EEPROM values (or atleast the values of a *working* n707). I followed the instructions and did a reset and haven't got my n707 working since. All i ever get is a (nv error). If anybody is diligent enough to send me a list/chart/info of *all* the values on their n707, please don't hesitate to email me:
>> fr3@softhome.net
While waiting for a response, I'll be searching eBay for a cheap n707, so i can copy off the EEPROM settings and reselling it (which hopefully it won't come to that...)
Thanks for you time, and best regards
closest thing I found was some info on the n505, tried those, but still didn't work: http://www.minidisc.org/manuals/sony/servi.../doc_index.html
... for those of you who might have similar problems but different MD models :|