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    Music, computers, money and relaxing

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I just found this site today. after owning my MD-player for about 2 months, i can say i am pleased with my purchase. I don't really like sonic stage, but who cares, i think its worth the trouble...anyway, i come and see that there is gonna be this new type of MD and i'm like wow...seriously, me and my friend were just talking today about what sony did wrong with MD and why it didn't dominate. well they have their chance again in my opinion. lets hope they play there cards right.
  2. Dont know if this has been mentioned, but I was just wondering what people are using to record music to there pc's. My friend gave me a copy of a program called Cool Edit Pro 2.0, which i guess seems good, but i don't know what else is out there. Any suggestions???
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