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  1. I'm in Dallas Texas USA. Thanks for the replies. Budget is not an issue, as confessed, I was looking for the abridged version of research. I've read a few of the threads and nothing really jumps out at me as a major dissapointment to the user community - which is what I'm scanning for. I had not seen the 2nd forum you pointed me to - thanx for that. I see there that the drag & drop function seems to be a dissapointment. For what I'm wanting, there may be better options it seems. I do mostly original recordings and would like to make CDRs of them from my PC.
  2. I've not been here in a couple of months, please forgive my attempt at hopping onto the express lane here. I waited around for the first shipment notices, got bored waiting. Now I've come back to check the latest, and it would appear that units are shipping. Please indulge a couple questions; I have the old model 800 with analog/digital inputs. I need equivalent functionality. I use my MD as a tape recorder for live gigs where I can plug into the house mixer for band rehearsals, etc. - have all the analog capable units started shipping? - is the quality / performance up to the expectations? - are the 1G discs shipping too? - problems / dissapointments found? - recommendations for where to buy? Thanx, Kent
  3. That's not the understanding I just got from reading the following from a UK BBS ... (paste from another bbs ...) I, perhaps with others, had been very interested in getting a Hi-MD recorder for highly portable field recording. I recently contacted Sony UK to check whether the linear PCM uncompressed format can be used through the analogue microphone input or Line in. It appears that the linear PCM mode is only available through the digital in. Therefore this new system will not be as beneficial as I had thought. Below is the reply I received from Sony UK. I replied asking for details of the highest quality available through the mic in and if Sony beleive this to be an improvement over standard MD. ----- Dear Mr Gibbings Thank you for your recent enquiry. With Linear PCM mode, record and playback in high Quality sound without compressing the sound source is possible. However, this type of recording can only be made via the digital optical connection and so, will not function with the analogue Microphone input. I hope this information is of assistance to you, although I apologise for any disappointment caused. Finally, if you need to reply to this e-mail, please quote reference 118362044 in the subject field of your e-mail. With Regards John Donnelly For and on behalf of Sony United Kingdom Limited
  4. kents

    Why pay more?

    It's about a $75 premium. It's not obvious to me why. It's really more germaine to me as the HD's come out and I decide which to buy. I'm presuming that the feature delta will be comparable. Kent
  5. kents

    Why pay more?

    Looking at the specs, other than the magnezium case, why would one purchase the MZ-N10 over the 810 model? Just curious. Does the mag case really drive that much value? Kent
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