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  1. thanks 4 your response. I got the IRIVER IFP-799, it has a line-in with option to choose whether is "line-in" or "external mic" under controls. I noticed by changing the setting from "line in" to "external mic" will automatically increase the recording sound level. Another question with my 719. Even I put the battery in, I change it to "power on", the red light will turn on for one second and then disappeared. Does this mean something wrong w/ my 719? or is this supposed to be how it works? Where can i get more information about Sound Professionals BMC-2 microphone? are they big? I need something small and can be hidden easily. Also, for the need of a preamp, I can always edit the recording by amplifide it using Adobe audition, right? Sorry that I have so many questions.
  2. I currently have the ECM-719 for my sharp MD recorder. (Not Hi-md.) I am lazy with the real time transfer, so I bought an iriver mp3 recorder for backup. As a result, I need to buy an extra micropohone for my iriver mp3 recorder. I am wondering if I should get an extra ECM 719 or DS70P? Currently, they are about $15 USD difference in price. Is 719 worth the extra $15 bucks? This mic will only use with the Iriver mp3 recorder to record live concert, and do you guys think the difference in quality between DS70P and 719 is noticable using iriver mp3 recorder ? Thanks.
  3. CVR32: do you mind send me that site which make it works for you? cuz i have the same problem ... >_< thanks.
  4. I tried both mode : digital / analog or digital only. both come up with the same thing --- "NO SIGNAL"....
  5. I connect the optical out of soundblaster mp3+ to the optical in of my MD player, how come i keep getttng the "no signal" ? I read some of the old post that people having the same problem, anyone has some thought how to fix it? thanks.
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