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Posts posted by onlykaria
Did you have this problem with iceeedtea's build?
i did everytime i tried to copy a song to MD it would say that i have run out of check outs.
but then i got an Atrac/Mp3 CD which uses the same Sonic Stage Software, but this is giveing me a problem too.
1- when i exit i have re import the library
2- when try to copy to MD it says i am out of check outs (even on songs i just ripped from CD)
3- when i try instead to make an atrac CD, it says that Sonic stage doesnt reconize MP3. LOL i think i am just oing to give up and get a good old fashioned basic CD player.
why is it that every time is start sonic stage 2.0 (the officail sony release) i keep having to re import my library this is very time consuming and annoying.
i hate it, and want it to just remember my music the way real player does.
Did you uninstall everything the way dr. iceeedtea prescribed?
yep, or at least i think i did it right.
i was able to get ss2 going but it said that i had the count was zero on all my music even songs i had never uploaded, so maybe i didnt do it right, and the real player just had the message that theres no room on the disc even on a blank disc...
... i am going to get the HI-MD when it comes out so the fact that netmd is not record is not the biggest deal in the world, but it would be nice to get it working....
i have the very same problem with my mz-n5o5, i tried everything, i even upgraded to ss 2.0 but that made it WORSE because before it would spin a little before saying that now it looks like it doesnt even check the disc befor eleaving that message...
i am 23 now, i got my first NetMD in 2002 when i was 22 (i'll be 24 later this year). i didnt fall in love with it though till the end of last year when i really started doing more stuff iwth it..
now i am :love: :love:
if upload the misuc via line in or simple burner the tracks are unprotected and you can
otherwise if you use openMG, Sonic Stage, RealOne or RealPlayer 10, you need the computer...
ps. i havent tried but i am sure that if you unstall openMG on another computer you should be albe to delete tracks from other computer as well
just install SonicStage and then remove OpenMG...the site that mushroom gave above is the full installation of SonicStage even though it says it's an update...
i download the file, unzipped it but when i click on the setup.exe, it starts aup but then stops have way through saying it " An install support file 'c:windowsTEMP{[longsting of number and letters here]}value.shl' could not be installed."
and just stops and does nothing.
so thats where i am stuck right now hmmm.
i have openMG and i was trying to "upgrade" and i downloaded this but i cant get it to work, is there anyway i can get sonic stage 1.5 working instead openMG???
By the way, will 2.0 be available for NetMD users too?
do you mean sonic stage or the lastest real player?
the last realplayer (realplayer 10) has been out for a while now, its MUCH better than real one, i have been using it instead ofOpenMG or realone for over a month and find that it works better. but thats all i can help you with.
First to me, what matters is the sound not the format, because as always the original file format remains on your puter, so your music will always be accessable to you. It was not until yesternday that i heard any difference between LP2 and LP4 , am i have had my unit since nov 2002.so my ear is not the best and i wont go into sound differences.
pluses: :love:
Cool Factor 10/10
Interface 9/10
HDD 7/10 (other makes of HDD player offer more GBs for less money)
Solid Third Party support 8/10
Size: iPod 7/10 iPodmini 10/10
Seemless connect to iTunes Music store 10/10
Software 10/10
Can be used as a Hard Drive 8/10
Requires WinXP or 2K (no ME or 98 support here)
Requires USB 2.0 or Firewire, (no 1.1 support)
Versitility 1/10 (limited colors, even though i am a lesbian i dont what my player to be in neither white nor the pride colors. )
On the Fly Recording 1/10 (no native line in, mic ect)
Battery issues 1/10 (sorry but paying $49-$99 to replace the battery does NOT turn me on)
MORE battery issues. 1/10if you forget to charge your unit or havent pluged in to your computer in a while and your on the subway, you may under up with a (briefly) dead iPod
PRICE 3/10 $249 for 4GBs??? WTF??/
OVERALL NOT AVERAGE 7/10 (unless money is NOT an issue than its 9/10)
pluses: :love:
media 10/10 (small, lightwieght, high capacity and cheap!! :love:)
Can be used as a Hard Drive 9/10 (higher than iPod only because you can GIVE the disc to someone so they can upload data/pic whatever thats on the disc. sort of as a floppy disc replacement.
Cool Factor 8/10
Solid Third Party support 8/10
Size: 8/10
Seemless connect to iTunes Music store 10/10
Versitility 13/10 (looks to be the most versitile units on the market)
On the Fly Recording 10/10
PCM uploading 8/10 (not sure if it'll be .wav or sony only format)
Battery 9/10 (most units have AA rechargables)
Media price 10/10
Software --/10 (i have not used the SS2 software sorry)
Interface --/10 (i have not used the SS2 software, but Hi-MD units do appear to have 3 line displays :cool: )
Support for ME and 98SE 5/10 (i have win98SE)
price 3/10 the intro level units est. cost is $200 (no line or AC adaptor) WTF??
Support 3/10 in america sony will be your only option
Transfer 1/10 No USB 2.0 or Firewire
Atrac3plus = preprietry (sp?). 1/10
NO seemless music store (YET) 4/10 (sony has one on the way though)
in conclusion, if versitility is NOT an issue iPod maybe for you. if it IS, however the minidisc is best.
so i hope that helps.
Thank you so much for the new smileys :love: this is more than i had hope for
very nice :smile: :grin: My fav smiley,
i might have to invent reasons to use that one
you know the same thing happened to me. i actually ended up having to take it back. i think its a program with the construction. i do think that if you lock the unit and control it only with the remote itll fix the problem. but i am not 100% sure on this.
PURRTY!!!! i likes the new skin...
very purrty!!!
p.s. can we get additional smilies, i can nevery have enough smilies
.. maybe a drooling one or a clapping one
actually as kurisu has mentioned before on the forums u can find more info about d/l SS2.0 here...
i stand corrected
which version of real player are you talking about ? all, real one or real player 10? also does this also apply to openMG?
i believe so, i have never seen the unit, however, i did look on google images and saw that the unit has a button that reads "CANCEL/CHRG". so its likely that it works like all other sony md units. pop in the battery, turn the unit of and plug in the AC adapter then press the "canecel/chrg" button... and it should start charging.
i dont think so yet in english or japanese for that matter, i think we have to wait till april.
1- in the future check and make sure a cd is not protected before you by it. too late now, but copyprotected cds are evil. :evil:
2- some copy protected CD's let you burn the CD a number of times (usually 3), try this and then transfer from the burned copy.
3- also i dont know if this CD uses that tech but one of the techs used to copy right CD's in the USA, you can override by holding down the "shift" key when you insert the CD. <<< your best bet!!!! :!:
4- kazaa :oops:
5- see if real player will let you transfer the music. :idea:
6- POLITICAL ACTION, send it back to maker saying you cant listen to it on your minidisc. :shock:
sorry thats the best i can offer i know its not much but yout best bet is the shift method.
sony does not like supporting non sony products. so i would not count on it.
Thanx for the link!
at least now i know that win 98 se will be supported , so now i am free to get excited. also it looks like thats only true with sonic stage so you may be able to do that with third party software and it looks like sony will be encourageing or at least not discouraging third party apps that support sonic stage 2 (real player 10??).
if you are sure you hardware is fine you should try real player 10
i think its real . com
and just click around till you find the free version of 10
yes you need plugins but real will guide you through it and get the plug ins
ok i found this link for you.
i dont know much about the dealer or even the program, but it is evidence that it can be done, so that you can look for other ways on your own
there is only one aac "format" whats different is the copy protection. real player also uses aac but uses a different copy protection. its all one format, with different copy protection.
anyway, yes real player 10 should let you do it.
There ARE programs that will help you do that. just look thorough the old topics in the forum.
i know there is at least one out there. i dont think the program is free. sony has gone through much trouble to stop this possiblity, but like they say where there is a will there is a way.
your best the is to google it, until you find something. i will kept my eyes over for it. and post a link here when i find it again.
sonic stage keeps forgeting my library
in Software
i've gone it twice, but i guess it cant hurt is i will try that ...again... heck i am so desperate to get this working, i might call sony's evil tech support.
maybe i will play the lotto win it, and get an new computer as to not have to deal with this...
but is there anything else that might help anything at all?