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Everything posted by shirleywhite

  1. Thanks for reply! I think and hope you are right!! Just a "poorly worded" excuse from Ask. I'm sure any real "technical problems" would have surfaced from other sources by now.
  2. Hi all. Like many have been waiting to get hold of an RH1. Saw thread some weeks back saying some were available in UK. Some mentioned Sonystyle outlets - but there was a mention for a shop I use a lot (Ask Electronics-London). They apparently had a handful in - but went very quickly. I emailed them about 6 weeks ago - told "waiting for more from Sony". I chased(email) this morning- just got a reply which says .........."unable to give any confirmed date.They have a technical problem with the product hence the delay" Is this just a case of a shop saying " havent got something - dont know when more coming"?! Why say "technical problem"??!!! Is this just some sort of junior person manning the emails who is making things up on the hoof(?) ( saying "technical problem" to someone hoping to buy something might not be the most reassuring thing to say!!) Maybe they know I'm something of a sony fan and will definitely be buying one no matter what?!! Any thoughts/comments?? The reviews have been pretty positive so far. Early receivers seem happy. I want one!!!!!! I'm leaning towards someone at Ask just trying to make an excuse - but didnt fully think it through!!
  3. Hi. The one i've got ( called Vivanco EM216 - I think!!? havent got box here at the moment ) was from Richer Sounds. ( actual branch was London Bridge ) PS If just the clip rather than whole mic - wonder if a "bulldog" clip would hold it!!!??
  4. Really appreciate all the advice and comments - I'm learning fast!! The recording was done via microphone. Understand now the difference between line in and mic! I've tried 2 things so far - got audacity and then with a cable from headphone on rh10 to line in on computer, I copied the first couple of songs. Seems to have worked fine. Being brave - I then used SS3.4 - transferred tracks from my second group (1 to 60) into my library - which was second half of concert. I then found song 2 ( tracks 23 to27 ) and used "combine" - it works but I've got the beginning of song3 in the combined new track. ( And I then realised i'd need track 27 (to32) for the next song!!?? I then thought - perhaps i'll carry on recording in real time through audacity!! ( when I transferred wasnt 100% sure if music would stay on the md. Still seems to be there - even though I've transferred a copy? Anyway - as mentioned above - I sure will know more when it comes to recording another concert!! Thanks again -really appreciate the help!!
  5. Thanks for replies folks!! I'm pretty nervous about this since it is a "treasured" recording. This morning I've done a couple of things - first I played through the first half hour or so of the music ( on the rh10) (skipping the longish silence at the front) It plays fine - no gaps etc even when the track count rolls over. I then plugged my usb lead in and started SS3.4 - and clicked on the transfer icon. Ok - 2 "albums" show ( called untitled ) first one has the 150 ish tracks with no label - 2nd is about 60 tracks) I selected no 63 to play - plays fine for about a minute (mid song) - next one plays automatically - but there's a gap of about a second before next track starts - so slight gap in the song. Your replies suggest ( I think ) that I click on the transfer/upload button - everthing goes into "my library" and then I used SS edit to " add tracks 63 to 68 " together ? ( One complication is that song 2 starts halfway though track 68!! Would it be any easier for me ( abit of a non expert here!?) to simply use a cable from my minidisc player and kinda record in real time each song ??? That way I would still have my precious disc ( which I've write protected now!!) but a copy of the songs on my computer?? ( Sorry to be so thick re all of this - really appreciate you taking time and trouble to help!!)
  6. Hi all. Made my first ever recording yesterday (a school concert). There were approx 20 "songs" but in my ignorance I recorded whole thing with auto track mark set to 1 min ( plus about 20 minutes of silence/audience noise at either end!) So although everything recorded fine - I'm wondering best way to end up with about 20 songs as atracs and/or mp3s.I've got 2 groups on a 1gb disc-first has about 160 "tracks" and 2nd about 60 tracks.(I switched off in the interval!!) Nothing has a label or anything. Could someone please advise re best thing to do next? ( I did search these forums plus consulted manual but cant find an "idiots" guide to best direction to go in - apologies if i've missed the guidance! ) I've just upgraded to SS3.4 - do I just connect and "transfer" ? But how do I get my 20 "songs" ? I actually want (for example) to delete "tracks 1 to 40" then merge 41 to 46 and label "song1" etc. Not sure if SS3.4 does all this or do I edit/merge on the RH10 first etc? Or is something like "audacity" needed. Thanks in advance (to all you experts) - I'm not asking for huge blow by blow details here - just a (gentle) pointer in right direction. Thanks again.
  7. I think I've found my answer !! Last night I did the volume unlock thing ( and got the 2 "extra" custom eqs ). I understand that it sorts out the "missing" letters problem!!
  8. Just bought an r10 ( love the nh1 i've got but the oled just too desirable!!) Been reading re the missing characters. Oddly mine is within the serial nos quoted on the sony esupport page but when i go into edit/title/discname the characters (incl klm etc) are all there. Was that because I was not actually labelling a recording ( track edit? ). All I have with me at work is a disc from the nh1 ( which I never got round to labelling) that I am playing some music from. If I try and edit anything other than discname I get "cannot edit" message ( presume cos it's one of my "nh1" discs!? )
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