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  1. Mini Disc Recorder - $99 ECM719- $89 Headphone Volume control - $5.99 16 hours in line for a good spot (food, liquour and other things to entertain one's self) - $40 sneaking the recording gear into one of the best shows EVER and getting an AWESOME recording - priceless! so dig- I won't give the "details" of how I got it in but I will say that I clipped the mic to my necklace and put that into my shirt and I didn't talk and yell and all that stuff focusing more on getting a good recording. I used a headphone volume control from Radio Shack and used that to control the record level although I didn't have to touch the thing at all. I brought 2 discs - 1 in the player and 1 in my wallet (no sitting). Once I got in I found the bath room, got my gear situated and just went for it. Fresh battery lasted all night. I disc change in LP2 recording mode. Zero Overload
  2. Mini Disc Recorder - $99 ECM719- $89 Headphone Volume control - $5.99 16 hours in line for a good spot (food, liquour and other things to entertain one's self) - $40 sneaking the recording gear into one of the best shows EVER and getting an AWESOME recording - priceless! so dig- I won't give the "details" of how I got it in but I will say that I clipped the mic to my necklace and put that into my shirt and I didn't talk and yell and all that stuff focusing more on getting a good recording. I used a headphone volume control from Radio Shack and used that to control the record level although I didn't have to touch the thing at all. I brought 2 discs - 1 in the player and 1 in my wallet (no sitting). Once I got in I found the bath room, got my gear situated and just went for it. Fresh battery lasted all night. I disc change in LP2 recording mode. Zero Overload.
  3. There's a BIG concert (at least to me ;-) this weekend that I have simply got to get recorded. I'm using my trusty Sony MZN707 and a Sony ECM719 mic. My questions are: 1. Should I use the battery in the mic and go to the line in OR, as suggested by someone else on the forum, run the mic into a headphone volume control into the mic input? 2. I'd love to know any "stealthy" tecniques that folks have used to get their minidiscs into shows. I'm thinking about just putting in my pants... hell, what are they gonna do, make me drop them? lolOnce I'm in, who cares. I've seen people get video cameras in and record the WHOLE show...shit. :-) Any info is GREATLY appreciated!
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