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Everything posted by sherrygoldman

  1. I just bought a used Sony MZ-R37 and recorded my first live performance of my musical group. I marked the trackmarks as we were performing. Does software exist which will allow me to upload my performance to my PC and preserve the track marks? Sony was not any help. Previously, I uploaded my audiocassette recording through the analog line and manually broke up tracks through Nero Burning ROM. Is there a less tedious way?
  2. I direct a small volunteer acoustic choral singing group (5 singers, 1 accompanist). I was making decent but not great recordings of performances with an old Radio Shack stereo tape recoder. It broke at Christmas. I need to replace it, and I felt that this is the time to get in on digital recording, so the CDs I make from the performances will have a better sound quality. I do not want to spend a lot until I see how I like the medium. I have also heard that this format is "on its way out". I have been searching ebay for something used to get me started. I have been researching minidiscs for a few months, and while I am learning about some of the features, the number of different brands and models from which to choose is overwhelming! I don't know which features are essential, helpful, or useless, except for the necessity of a microphone input. I can't even determine a pattern in the names of the models! Every single model looks completely different and I can't tell which orientation would feel the most comfortable without actually trying it out. I have very little interest in downloading music from the internet. My primary concern is recording live unamplified music. What advice can you give me? Brands... features... Please explain all features relevant. Normally I research through Consumer Reports, but they have no articles on this. Please help! I am new to this type of forum as well. Any guidance on even how to use this forum would be welcome. Thank you in advance. :roll:
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