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  1. Hey, I have been trying to record LOUD shows for a few months now, and I set my Sharp MS702 to recording level 1 (the lowest) and I still get a lot of distortion. What is the solution here? Is a pre-amp the only way? Thanks
  2. I got it on Monday, last night it gave me the utoc error. I guess I'm back in the market for the Sharp MD-DR7.
  3. I ended up buying a refurbed Sharp MDMS702 cost after shipping and tax is $130.00. Hopefully I will be recording this weekend.
  4. Hi, I'm new to minidisc and looking for recommendations. I will be mostly using it to record rock shows, then uploading to my computer. I am thinking about the Sharp MD-DR7, but I'm not sure if I can control it without the remote, and I don't want the remote if I am sneaking it into shows. Also, for my purposes, should I wait for HI-MD? Thanks in advance.
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