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Everything posted by JohnnyLocust

  1. I can't seem to get the avatar to work either. It's less than 150 x 150 and only 8K. The link to a URL doesn't work for me either.
  2. Well dang. That's a hell of alot easier. Thanks
  3. There are currently 2 ways to convert iTunes aac: 1 burn your files to an audio cd and rip it using sonicstage. (there may actually be a way to do itunes -> nero virtual drive -> Simple burn thing) 2 There is a program out there called QTFairuse that removes the encryption from aac files. But it is an ugly hack, and is far from easy to use.
  4. Any time you convert one lossy compression to another there is usually a good deal of damage done to the quality. Go to the forums at http://www.hydrogenaudio.org/ Just about any question you have about sound quality and transcoding can be found there. (even ATRAC )
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