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Everything posted by Jimmix
I voted for Other:HI-HP This stands for High-def Play.
jadeclaw this is good news!!! :smile: I'll make my tests to see hwo good they sound for me :thumbsup2:
Guys the ones that have tried Atrac@64 optical/line in can you tell how much diffierent is the quality when compared to track ripped using the same bitrate on Sonicsatage? Because I figure that if some people are ok with this bitrate then maybe if SS improved their quality for this bitrate it could be way better don't you think? I just only wish Sony fullfilled their promise that Atrac@64 would be comparable to LP2 :wink:
I only hope they made improvements to the Atrac@64. :wacky: I also wish Sonicstage also supported AAC files on a future release :wink:
I've always wondered how does Hi-LP@64 sound when using the optical/analog in compared to SonicStage. Hasve any of you guys done the test already?
Huh? no improvements on the Atrac+ codecs?? Nahh I won't bother downloadin' it :wink:
This would be great!! I just wonder if SONY has jumped to MP3 why not do it completely to AAC and WMA, theese are very popular too and many MP3 players support theese formats too. (Well at least WMA. AAC is catching up) I think it would be a little awkward to say the player supports only ATRAC and MP3 while the other ones from competition support more than just MP3. AAC and WMA support copyright restrictions so my thought is if SONY's supporting a non-restritive codec why not also support codecs that are, I mean, if SONY has been so worried about copyright, well, theese codecs run by their rules too. But anyway this is great news and if it goes to Hi-MD I hope will help to promote MD format.
My $0.02 in: *Would be a great idea if SONY makes a quality switch for us to say when we want SS to encode prioritizing the quality rather that the speed. *Also SONY should incorporate a true Hi-MD equivalent of LP2. In the faq theres a table where SONY states that Hi-LP was "supposed" to be equivalent to LP2, well...do it, I know Hi-LP has been improved in the latest SS so I know SONY can continue to improve Hi-LP. The other option will be to introduce the LP2 bitrate in Hi-MD. *Also woudl be great if the iTunes+Hi-MD thing became reality!!! *Ohh and why don't the unit's have bakclight, I think they should..and if battery life is a problem, just build a swith to put it off.
Do you guys think maybe SONY takes some time to read this forum? Because maybe if they do then SONY could get an idea of what users like or need. Like all the other posts in this whole forum have very nice & good ideas SONY should take a look at. But does somebody actually know if SONY REALLY looks at them?
Well I agree however the article states this could be an Apple strategy against Microsoft...who knows?
:grin: Yeah you're straight right!!
What I like from iTunes is the GUI, and its ease of use to ripp cd's and go on and search you library. About the store I also bought an album. I must confess I can detect some artefacts, however the overall sound is good in a good equipment. The sad part is that if you want to transfer it to anything portable, then you have to transcode. The only flaw I see in this app is that it sure needs an automatic- transcode-to-mp3 when you want to burn mp3 discs and your base songs are on other format say AAC :wink: Also as SS the AAC codec has no quality setting :wink: But can't complain the app is really good and for my ears AAC@128 is a good size-quality solution. I'm really looking forward to see what's their solution on the transfer to MD if this project becomes reality :smile:
Wow & super wow. That's what I always wanted :grin: However :ohmy: I beleive this to be difficult to occur, because they are competitors. And besides it doesn't seem Apple-like...they are so encapsulated on their technologies always. And what about interface? Guess iTunes should have a transcoding engine where your AAC files are transcoded to atrac and then transfered to minidisc. Guess it should work just like RealPlayer which can do the same thing with NetMD. Guess if SONY decides to go ahead it would be very good news for all MD fans that use MAC since there's no support for those right now. I don't have a MAC but I use iTunes alot and love it that's why for me it would also be great!!!
--Edit-- Sorry I goofed with this and posted wrongly. Excuse me.
Do you think SONY will incorporate that kind of quality "switch" into SS sometime?
It's a shame SONY didn't include a LP2 equivalent in Atrac3+.....do you guys think it will ever come? Or you know why SONY took this aproach?
It is known that SonicStage's codec differs from the ATRAC chip on the devices so , has anyone done a test to check the Hi-LP quality in analog/digital recordings?
Think they will make a similar test of iPod vs MD?? :laugh:
I also had an iPod...sold it. Made hearing tests for just a couple of days for a couple of hours....as a result I got an ear problem(still don't know what it is) just because it sounded to loud and I wanted to hear more punch in the sound...never there. I fyou put volume to low you don't get much sound to feel the music...if you put your volume up there was sound allright, but no punch, and the sound was biased to the high tones(guess that's what affected my ears). The best sound I could get was with my best phones, with my Hi-MD any phones sounds good. I just couldn't get any equalization get to my feeling as Hi-MD. As Leland, I don't want to start a flame war here, but just want to express that I prefer sony's punchy sound than iPod's flat singal.
I haven't tried it since I sold my NetMD, but it should work since RealPlayer's goal is to the "the plyaer" in which you can hav any kind of file and transfer it to the device of your election (they have a lot of supported devices), hence their recent support to transfer also to iPod. When I had it I did try with mp3 and it did work. It's just a shame that they still dont support Hi-MD :wink: . Hope they will soon.´ Of course i'm talking about not DRM'ed files. Don't know if those will be able to be transfered. :wacky:
Maybe you could wait until RealPlayer supports Hi-MD. Because they already suppor iTune's aac files, and they can "transfer" (transcode & transfer) files to Net-MD, but still not to Hi-MD.
I bought a 20Gb Ipod and sold it right away not because of the wonderfull features it has of course...then why? *Well the first thing is the sound...I just could'nt make that flat sound more vivid, with more bass that could fill my taste, even if I changed the eq settings I couldn't get the result I wanted. Also you need really good phones because no budget phones will sound good and the sound is more like on the high tones. I mean I even got my ears hurt just because the sound was so high, and it was just for listening for like an hour!!! On the other hand sony's sound feels better for my ears. *Also I prefer the sturdiness of MD's, I know that iPod has more metallic parts but when I touched it it seemed so fragile...when I put it on the table I felt like I had to be careful, instead the MD's are like built for more daily life you know what I mean? *And well..there's always the battery thing... I just use plain AA Ni-MH's and they last a full 24 hours in LP2. So what things do I miss from iPod...well the App (iTunes), the flexiblity of the formats it supports...the iTunes store, the 20Gb and the menu interface, and the main backlit display. So it seems like a lot of features that MD doesn't offer however for me the sound is very important and the longevity of the devices too, so i'll have to stick with Hi-MD until SONY brings better MD devices and MD's with more capacity.
Yeah I think you refer to choosing between bitrates, however I was reffering to an option that exists in many encoders that let you decide aside from the bitrate, the quality for encoding. Like mp3 when you decide if you want vbr@128 and after that you can tell the encoder if you want high quality or low quality. The quality is always very close to the time it will take to enconde. Better Quality=Slow encoding and viceversa.
One neat think I think should be nice though is that SonicStage had an option like other encoders as to decide if you want more quality at the expense of the time it will take to enconde the music, however I ignore if ATRAC has this option in the first place.
Hey guyd what would you say to this assesment: In an overall view Atreac3+ @64/48 would be fine if you were an average consumer who liked sound in tape (remember those days when you actually had to record your best tunes to tape?) For my not audiophile ears theese bitrates may sound "comparable" to when we used average tape recordings (not high tech), dont you think? Awaiting you comment....