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Claire O

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  1. So, from what I can gather, the new Hi-MD stores more data. Yes?! OK. So will the recording quality be any better? Also if we ignore this option, what would be the other recommended units on the market? Thanks guys, it's good to get quality advice from people who aren't trying to sell me something! Claire O xx Remember European models only!!
  2. Thanks!! Er, to be honest, no I am not aware. The problem is though that the boy's B-day is right at the beginning of April, so there's not really much time for manoeuvre with regards to theHi-MD format. Could you tell me what the main differences are, and whether or not the difference in price will really be worth it... Thanks for your reply, I feel as though I'm learning something already!! Claire O xx
  3. So, I've made the decision to buy my boy a personal minidisc player/recorder for his birthday (rather good of me to say that he both stole and subsequently broke mine!!). Being a girl who appreciates a bit of quality, I want to get the best. This is also necessary as my fella is a musician (drummer) and needs the unit for recording. Now I thought that this would be easy, but oh no, upon looking into it I have met a problem. A rather big problem in the fact that I do not have a clue what all of the jargon is going on about... And this is where you come in. it would be much appreciated if you could give me a breakdown of general jargon and and answer this question for me. 1] What are the best portable recorders on the market - they have to be compatable with a Sony ECM-MS907 mic. Thank you all for your time and hopefully your replies... Claire O xx P.S. I reside in the UK, so European models only...
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