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  1. i tried everything you trold me. enabling hidden files making sure the program is not running. unfortunately when i get to the open mg window i do not have a restoreable folder. if you have any other ideas i am willing to listen. thank you for your help
  2. i have attempted to run objsir.exe but it will not connect to the internet eventhough i am connected. furthermore i did download sonicstage and attempted to transfer songs but the the songs do not transfer, i get an error message stating that "errors occured while tranferring 'song name'". is there anything else i can do?
  3. when i check out my media with open mg jukebox the first song transfers and then hangs at 9%. i have also tried to uninstall the software but i get a message that an installation support file does not exist. i then tried installing over top of the old software but the problem persists. it worked fine last week but now no more. please help if you can
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