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  1. Hi! I just released the first development version of a small app called NotMD that is intended to help with the recording of MDs. It tries to mimic Sony's NetMD as much as possible for people that do not have NetMD capable equipment. Audio transfer is in realtime, however, given you have the right driver, the rest is pretty much like NetMD: Automatic titleing of tracks etc. For this, Lirc (IR controlling software) is used. It is written in Python and tested under Linux. As Python and the other relevant parts have been ported to Windows and Mac, Id expect that you get the app running without too great difficulties. Future plans include NetMD support (once the opensource implementations have reorganised themselves) and possibly IPod support. Furthermore I'll try to work on an adaption of http://www.replaygain.org/ for MDs (all this, time permitting of course). For more info go to http://notmd.sf.net If you have questionssuggestions/patches, there is a mailing list! jj P.S.: for a short comparison: NotMD is probably quite similar to WinNMD (the MD uploading part will be done for 0.2)
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