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Everything posted by nicet

  1. http://www.minidisc.org/sony_mzr_reset.html
  2. I recently aquired a sony mz-r500 from ebay for quite cheap. I knew it had playing problems (which is why it was $25). I used it a couple of days. It would play several tracks all the way through, then stop and freeze in the middle of random spots of random tracks. I would take out the battery and put it back in and it would work for a period of time and repeat the haulting. It did seem to record fine, and there were no problems with the playback other than the freezing. I read through some things on minidisc.org including Peter's article of how to reset the mz-rxx models. My plan was to reset the system, thinking that the problem lied in the software. Now I am having a little trouble making the adjustments in manual mode. 1. One problem is that I don't have a power supply for the power adjustment, how important is this step. I will probably get a 3V wall wort at Goodwill or the like. 2. The MO Play and MO Record tests will not finish. I know my minidisc has recording on it, but both these tests keep coming up with a 032 236 NG 00 error or one like it. 3. I cannot exit the service mode. (Due to the failed tests I suspect) I also downloaded the service manual and set a lot of the codes to the ones specified. If you have any tips on how to put my unit in working order, I would be appreciative. Thank you Tyler Nice
  3. I recently aquired a sony mz-r500 from ebay for quite cheap. I knew it had playing problems (which is why it was $25). I used it a couple of days. It would play several tracks all the way through, then stop and freeze in the middle of random spots of random tracks. I would take out the battery and put it back in and it would work for a period of time and repeat the haulting. It did seem to record fine, and there were no problems with the playback other than the freezing. I read through some things on minidisc.org including Peter's article of how to reset the mz-rxx models. My plan was to reset the system, thinking that the problem lied in the software. Now I am having a little trouble making the adjustments in manual mode. 1. One problem is that I don't have a power supply for the power adjustment, how important is this step. I will probably get a 3V wall wort at Goodwill or the like. 2. The MO Play and MO Record tests will not finish. I know my minidisc has recording on it, but both these tests keep coming up with a 032 236 NG 00 error or one like it. 3. I cannot exit the service mode. (Due to the failed tests I suspect) I also downloaded the service manual and set a lot of the codes to the ones specified. If you have any tips on how to put my unit in working order, I would be appreciative. Thank you Tyler Nice
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