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    Neil Young!

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  1. Thanks for the help. However, on the side my md player has a Line In (Optical) and MIC (Plug Power) Does that change things? Or should I go the analog route. Thanks for your time. Heath
  2. I have a JVC XM-R70SL Mini Disc Recorder and just did my 1st recording tonight and it sounds great thru my headphones on playback. It came with a TOC Fiber Optic cable for tranfering the files but without this out connection on my pc, Im wondering what my options are to get my music off the md to burn to cd. Any help is much appreciated. thanks. Heath
  3. Here is the link to it. Whats the opinion around here on this model? http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/ebayISAPI.dll?ViewIt...item=3091107126 Also, Im gonna try and record a few concerts and wondered on the best microphone to get. Im in Canada as well. Thanks in advance for any help/input. Heath
  4. Thanks for your help as I just scored a JVC XM-R70SL Mini Disc for 75.00 . Here is the link- http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=3091279273 Whats your opinion on this model? Cheers, Heath.
  5. Thanks but Ive tried Ebay Canada with no luck . There was only 3 yesterday compared with several hundred on ebay.com
  6. I basically want to record the concerts Im going to so what is a decent model that give me a quality recording. Are the Sony 410-510 models ok? Im guessing Id need the external microphone but are the built in ones good enuff? Just want a quality working model I guesss. Those Sony are selling for 130-170 Canadian here but I thought maybe Id get a cheaper one here maybe with it being used or I can always trade live recordings. My list is at- http://rustedshut.50megs.com Heath
  7. Anyone have a good used one with microphone input.Or is that nessasary for concert recording.? Heath my site- http://rustedshut.50megs.com
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