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  1. moustacheky


    does this mean that, when you are able to pull this off, i'll be able to use my nw-hd5 in linux? because that would be really neat! (even if not, rockbox looks amazing!)
  2. since i don't know anything about programming, i don't see myself develloping a linux tool for atrac devices. i am about to switch to linux though, so if anybody wants to give it a shot, i'll be more than willing to try your program out and give you all the feedback you want...
  3. what about the winamp plugin? couldn't that be an interesting starting point for linux compatibility? i don't think it really uses sonicstage or mp3fm, does it? i don't know a thing about programming but it would be cool if someone could manage to make it work on linux... then sony would be about the only hdd based mp3player compatible!
  4. i'm considering trying out linux, but i was wondering if there is ANY linux support for the nw-hd5 player... or if there's anybody working on it...
  5. another question: is it very hard to develop a GYM version that doesn't require the NET framework? it's really a hassle if i have to install that on every computer i want to put some tracks on...
  6. about atrac playback: maybe the winamp atrac plugin can be usefull? (http://forums.minidisc.org/downloads/details.php?file=65) and i think we all agree GYM would be even better if we could upload and edit track info etc. then GYM would rule over sony!
  7. this program is really excellent! i no longer have to rip all my albums again since sonicstage wants me to initialize my nw-hd5... question: can i put the gym folder on the nwhd5's hard disc so i can load it on any pc i want, like the mp3fm folder, or is that not gonna work? error (in gym 1.2beta): i have one album i can't seem to extract. though it's an mp3 album. gym creates a folder for the files but doesn't put any files in it. i can't extract the single tracks neather. without any error message, by the way.
  8. yes, it says this: The connected ATRAC Audio Device must be initialized to be used with the currently installed SonicStage
  9. recently i had to reinstall my system two times. the first time i was able to reinstall sonicstage and had no trouble accessing my nw-hd5 with it again. sadly, my hard disk crashed a week after that, so i had to totally reinstall my windows again. now i'm no longer able to acces my nw-hd5 in sonicstage. is this because this is the third time i tried to acces it with "another" installation and you can only do this twice (which would be really stupid) or am i doing something wrong? i tried sonicstage 3.4, 3.3 and 3.1 (that version came with my nw-hd5, and it was also the only version which allowed me to choose a region, i've read that picking the wrong region might be causing this as well, although i can't imagine ever have choosen another one than the european) so my question is: will i have to reinitialize my nw-hd5 (and therefore will have to rip all of my cd again)? i do have mp3filemanager installed on it so i can still access it that way, but i can't rip my mp3s from it again, can i? or can i still install GYM and will that allow me to 'grab' my files, and i mean grab them, not reencode them (then i might as well rip all of my cds again) thanks in advance
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