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Everything posted by Bugui

  1. Maybe i was asquing for someting that dosn´t exist. It´s able to play what are you recording ?? When you are recording a concert it will be usefull to hear waht are you recording for adjust the recording level or chage the microphone position etc etc etc.... I´m crazy?? :wacky: Or simply i dont understand you?? :happy: Thanks Bugui
  2. Wich new hi-md will be able to play while recording??? Thanks and excuse my poor english. Buda
  3. I´m going to buy the Nh900!!! But in july :wacky: I thnik that is the better for me. Good live recordings, enough batteries for a long journey and the possibility of use AA´s batteries for a longer journey. It seems quite robust, and we hope that lasting. The idea of use the Nh1 remote its very cool!!!!! We only have to wait.... too much time!!!!!!!!! BuDa
  4. ...the Cdburner will be able to burn audio-cd or only atrac!! ?? Thanks
  5. Hellow fanatics of minidisc!! First, excuse my english but i have forget all that i have learned. :wacky: If the hi-md units (for example the Mz Nh-900 that seems to be the right minidisc for me) can record in PCM format, and it´s posible to upload these recordings, i will be able to convert these PCM reocrdings in to another format?? The recordings made in atrac format will be able to convert in other format too?? I´m not sure that i have write it right, but im sure that you understand me. Thank you , you have the key for take my last decision. :happy: Bugui Bugui Buda
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