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Everything posted by xenon219

  1. and i was just wondering if anyone has had problems when they have done system restore? I used to get huge problems with open mg. Thanks
  2. I have open MG mz505, and i was wondering if sonic stage works with my MD. I used to have open MG, but every time i would do system restore it would mess up. Has this been fixed in sonic stage, because simple burner takes way too long. Thanks
  3. ok i dont' know if it is just me, but after awhile of wearing the ear buds with my 505 earbuds. I'm pretty sure i don't have them that loud, cause most of the time I have them at volume 12. Has anyone else got headaches? I dunno, cause like after awhile, my ears start to hurt. I don't think it's cause the volume is too loud, although i have no idea what it is like to know if the music is too loud(like if you get headaches). The most i've had it up to is like 18, cause of the stupid loudness of the bus and stuff. Anyone have any idea? Could it be that i have the music too loud? Gasp i hope i'm not going to damage my hearing.
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