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About mariusursache

  • Birthday 12/23/1978

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    Sony Mz NF 810CK

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  • ATRAC Devices

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi I tried to talk with them about MD, but they weren't very informed about Hi-MD (or MD). They were "promotion guys". They knew very little about Sony products. Actually I tried to ask them where I can find blank MD's in my town, but they knew little about this subject. (I know a single place where I can find blank MD's in my town of ~300.000 ppl).
  2. Hi Today, when I was leaving a commercial center I saw a Sony Caravan. The had a lot of Sony stuff (TV, Cameras, HandyCams, Portable CD/Atrac Players...etc) and, to my surprise, they had Hi-MD. I saw 2 or 3 MZ NH600, 2 or 3 MZ NH700 and one MZ NH900. I didn't thought that the newer models would come to my country this year. I talked with the guys from the caravan and they told me that the models will be available after they finish the tour (in 2-3 weeks). So I think that the models will be available in Europe in the same period. The guy didn't know prices or other details about MD. MZ NH900 looked pretty well, rounded on edges. Sorry I that don't have picture. Maybe there are Sony Caravans in other countries. The people from Italy/Germany/France/UK sould look after them. Cheers
  3. I'm 25. Just bought my first MD (Sony MZ-NF810) 3 weeks ago.
  4. I think I need a more "powerfull" adapter (at least 500mA). Meanwhile, I bought 2 acc (1400mA - NH-14WM like) and a charger for them. So problem ( partialy) solved.
  5. does it matter if the charger can hold only 300mA? how much can hold an original md sony adapter? does it matter if it's stabilized or not? (it is DC).
  6. hi i just bought a used sony nf810ck and it came with a game-boy (3v) dc adapter. can i use this to charge the internal acc? when charging, i should see a battery sign or something on display? (like when you charge your cellphone). if i start the md (play) when "it's charging" i see the battery sign blinking very fast and the music stops. does anyone have any hints/answers? thanks marius
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