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  1. hm. that makes more sense, i would have continued to believe that it was all the record industrys fault for instilling fear into people, and thus preventing them from developing programs to upload off. oh well, thanks for info. :happy:
  2. that just strikes me as odd. i know theres a legal issue, but its just 1 and 0s, there should be a program that just can move the data off of the md when its hooked up through a usb port. makes no sense. there should be a windows integration, wehre you can just drag and drop them into a folder. kinda like when you hook up a digicam or a usbdrive. so lame.
  3. my harddrive crashed, along with 15 gigs of mp3s. i have all these minidiscs but sonicstage won't let me transfer. are there programs out there that allow tranfer when not in sonicstage dbase? ideas?
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