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Posts posted by Bosambo

  1. Europe is stuck with the 2.0

    Europeans have the choice: music shop + crappy software or useable software and no music shop.

    Personally, I decided against the shop, as I don't pay 9 to 12 euros for a 132k file.

    Btw, BMG/Sony decided to reduce the price for CDs, making Sony's online offer quite questionable. (IMHO & IANAL of course...)

    What exactly has been added / improved with this new version? Because I'm not finding anything overly different after the update.

  2. I've read a bunch of posts about this topic and also, elsewhere, that in some countries (especially the UK) the manufacturers, due to our nazi like safety laws, have to put restrictions on the volume of personal stereos. So with this in mind does any one think it's possible to tweak a unit to make it louder. I own a Sony MZ-N710 with MDR-EX71 earphones and altough I love em, the volume is woefully low. I'm a hip-hop head and so I NEED that boom-bap to come thru loud and clear. Any hints people? :ninja:

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