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Everything posted by boing93

  1. Hi, Currently possess a Sharp IM-DR420 Net-MD for live recordings. However...as you know...without uploading via real time thru the soundcard..you cant upload. Can anyone recommend a Hi-Md recorder...after a bit of investigation I appear to be leaning towrds the MZ-NH900...which seems to get good reviews. I have a ECM-719 Sony Mic. Thanks Dave
  2. Thanks for the info Kevin.. Regards Dave
  3. Hi, anyone know where i can get a Sharp IM-DR420 in the U.K....can`t find one anywhere at the moment. Thanks Dave
  4. Dear All, I was recently advised to get a sharp IM-DR420...mainly as i wanted to use it for live recording...althought the NETMD was a useful addition with the player(advice courtesy of Kurisu - Forum Administrator).However I`m unable to get my hands on one of these in the UK at present...and not even Sharp UK could tell me anything other than "keep looking". So does anyone know where i may get one in the UK...or suggest a good model for live recording.NETMD isnt a necessity although useful...the unit would be for live recording in the main. I use a SONY ECMS907 mic. Many thanks Dave
  5. Thanks foe the info...i`ll check it out.
  6. Hi thanks for the reply...and the welcome ! Im in the U.K. Budget - im expecting to be paying around £150 Cheers Dave
  7. Hi, any suggestions as to what "new" minidisc I should get. Primarily this would be used for live concert recording. I would be using a Sony ECM-MS907 mic. Thanks Dave
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