I intend to buy a Hi-MD unit, and the MZ-NH900 seems to be the 1 for me, as I see it now.
Here are a couple of things I would be glad to get answers to before making my decision whether to buy or not:
1. Does the MZ-NH900 produce a background-“hizz” in the sound when it is turned on, while playing music or paused..? And now I do NOT mean bass, but I mean the same kind of hizz that so many cd-/mp3-/md-portables nowadays have (because of a cheap amp/audio-out..?). I remember that my old MZ-R91 (back then the flagship of Sony’s md-line..) did have a totally clear sound, but a few other cheaper models did not; they produced a background-hizz.. This is NOT ok for me, as I listen to very “delicate” music/sounds at times, and I have Etymotic plugs that don’t hide *anything*..
2. Does the MZ-NH900 have ANY motor noise while playing? If any, then how disturbing is it..? (I know this is a very subjective question, but I’d be totally content to get some very subjective answers! :smile: ) My old MZ-R91 had a motor noise that came on every half minute or so (to save battery life..) and it was loud enough to be VERY disturbing to me when I listened to “quieter tones”..! I know Sharp MD-units haven’t had motor noise for ages, but Sony can’t seem to figure out the mechanics, it seems.. :wacky: -Someplace I read, however, that also Sony’s models have become a little quieter now, but what is the truth..?