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Everything posted by TiJei

  1. thanx for help Majestic, skutherx and crazeybt1:smile:
  2. ok, if my recording head is busted, how player can playback md's... i mean is it possible? TOC?! what does it mean?
  3. Hello gyus, i'm a newbie here, glad to know about minidisc.org, because i have problem and other forums didn't answer on my question! I have a problem with my Sony MD, i think you can help me, i hope:) So i can't record any songs on player, when i'm connecting it to PC, i starting to transfer/recording songs, it shows how it transfering/recording, then after recording/transfering when i'm pushing *play* it just show me that it *BLANK*, MD *BLANK*, it's like i didn't record anything on it(MD device), just like a new MD(disc)!!! Player working great, playing md's, sound and etc., but not recording. I bought a new md disc, recorded, nothing, reinstalled soft (OpenMG and Simple Burner) nothing, i tryed to record through the optical line, nothing. I really dont know what to do, please anyone can help me.
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