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Everything posted by rawlus

  1. i have a unique situation - running winxp pro on athlon xp computer. my root drive is E: (i don't have a C: drive if that matters) i've tried both updates to 1.5.6 and 2.0 from 1.5X for sonicstage and while install begins to run (on 2.0 it downloads all the components within the mini-window) but towards the very end of the install the installation fails with a "Install Launcher" error message asking if i want to send the error report to microsoft. noting "setup.exe" and the problematic file. i've disabled or turned off everything in the system tray and no other applications are running. when i first got 1.5x working, it was by sheer luck. it would not install from the included CDROM with my Sony MZ-N10, i had to do some funky things with extracting the install files from the CDROM and through much clicking and trying different things was able to manually install the individual files. I don't hold much hope i could duplicate this manuever successfully again. i'd like to try and debug what is actually happening that is causing the install and update programs to fail. any insight is greatly appreciated. -rawlus
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