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Everything posted by senza

  1. senza


    Hi, i'm new here, and new to MD players in general. About a week ago I decided it was time to buy a new mp3 player due to my old being rendered in-operable via a slow death. I basically need my player to: -Be used as a storage medium between school and home. (i'm talking about 500mb psd files, not a term paper or anything) -Record school lectures. -Be durable enough to exercise with, like my old flash memory mp3 player. I wanted the Iriver h120 right off the bat, but if memory serves me correctly, hard drives don't like to be jogged with. Though, please prove me wrong if I am. So I was looking at other options, and MD's are the only thing that I could think of. I haven't heard any warnings of whether or not you can exercise with them or not. So basically, can you run with em? And feel free to chime in with any other thoughts, like advantages and disadvantages of both. I searched through and saw a hp120 vs HI-MD thread already, I want to know if you guys have any other thoughts that apply to my situation.
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