I hope this isnt the stupidest question here,but i haee a Sony MD R70 and of course after i bought it i found out that it doesnt have the preamp. So i seen on Sound professionals .com that they had this headphone amp that they said they modified and works as a pre amp on Sony MD's. Did they really do any mods to this headphone amp? Can you buy one w/o the mods and will it works as a pre amp? I forget the name ,but it was ____aroo. I seen the same equivilent at radio shack for 22US bucks. SoundPro was charging around 90 bucks. I'm broke,so that is why I ask.
Do many here make thier own mics and is it very hard to make your own?
Are my omni mics from Radio Shack worht a damn? I will be recording Melvins type loud ass music,of that helps.