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Everything posted by priley

  1. Whenver I try to back up my music files the program loads, checks available disk space then generates an error report and shuts down. I read in the help files that I should only use a Viao computer when backing up files... "Note When backing up SonicStage data to a removable media, note the following: Use a Sony VAIO series computer with SonicStage Backup Tool pre-installed. Otherwise, you will require a program that can write to CD-R/CD-RW, DVD+RW, or DVD-R/DVD-RW discs using the "packet-writing" method." OR could it be that I don't have Access softwear installed?? Everything else works fine!! Thanks for any help on this matter
  2. I've recently installed sonictage2 and tried to dowload a few tunes from there store only to be told that its only for US residents (i live in the UK) Is this likely to change? Also sonicstage is running very slugish on my pc. I've tried to reduce items in task manager to a bare minimum, turned off fire wall and antivirus and it is still running slow despite having enough power on my pc. Finally, do you think they will include an equaliser in the softwear at some point in the future?? Thanks for any replies.
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