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Kevin Beach

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  1. Hey Thanks Kurisu for your answer. So The 900 is basically the same as the NH1? And please forgive me for the redundancy but can I be confident that I can get the same quality of recording that I need in linguistic work? Thanks for your patients. Kevin
  2. Hi, I do language study in Mexico (linguistics work) so its important for me to get quality sound on disc so that later I can break everything down cut and paste if you will the language so I can get the proper meaning. I currently use a Sony MZ-R91 and love it. Though its a real hastle to get stuff loaded up on my computer. Quality sound, Durability in the field, up-loading to the computer, mic input, storage ability are increadably important to me. With that sayed: the Hi-MD NH1 looks to be the best fit. Any comments. Can I get away with a cheaper model with all the qualities mentioned above? Thanks for your help. Any links most welcome.
  3. Does anyone know what the principle differences are in the new Sony Hi-MD NH1 and the NH900? Thanks for your help. Kevin
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