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Kevin Beach

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Everything posted by Kevin Beach

  1. Hey Thanks Kurisu for your answer. So The 900 is basically the same as the NH1? And please forgive me for the redundancy but can I be confident that I can get the same quality of recording that I need in linguistic work? Thanks for your patients. Kevin
  2. Hi, I do language study in Mexico (linguistics work) so its important for me to get quality sound on disc so that later I can break everything down cut and paste if you will the language so I can get the proper meaning. I currently use a Sony MZ-R91 and love it. Though its a real hastle to get stuff loaded up on my computer. Quality sound, Durability in the field, up-loading to the computer, mic input, storage ability are increadably important to me. With that sayed: the Hi-MD NH1 looks to be the best fit. Any comments. Can I get away with a cheaper model with all the qualities mentioned above? Thanks for your help. Any links most welcome.
  3. Does anyone know what the principle differences are in the new Sony Hi-MD NH1 and the NH900? Thanks for your help. Kevin
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