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  1. in the end i solved any problem with SS 2 with a format. :wink: now it works in all its functions ...
  2. fixed well, i deleted iceedtea from pc following instructions, and installed the original sony SS2, but problem is still there . Now i'd like to know what i'm missing. what's the difference between recorded CD -> MD and cd tracks saved as .wav of the same cd and transferred on MD? Saving tracks and putting them on MD i notice a micro-pause between the tracks, it's annoying for me. Does the 'record CD on MD' carry same matter? anyway, did someone get the same problem i have? thanks
  3. as i said above, iceedtea's build of SS2 is the software i'm running from the begining. i can't record cd's with it. then i tried Net MD Simple Burner, but it doesn't work also. help! (encore) fabio
  4. before i make a mess: SS2 'only' is an upgrade, right? so i've to install SS1.5 before. i have SS1.5 but japanese version :wacky: (as you can read here http://www.minidisc.org/brian_youn/mzn10/page7.shtml i can install on my no-jap OS) then have i upgrade at SS2 ? let me know soon please ... thank you fabio
  5. i tried also to mount image on virtual drive, but i still get the same error message... HELP!!!!
  6. hello i've a SONY MZ-N10 japanese vers. i installed iceeedtea's build - SS2, seems anything go ok a part from the option 'recording CD'. when i try to record CD on my HDD with iceeedtea's build - SS2 i get an error message: "an error has occurred while preparing to record the cd. please try again". that happens if i put the cd in the cd-rom drive and in the burner drive, and it's not a hdd space matter. i tried to save tracks with nero and to put them onto MD, but when i play MD there's 1 second with a little noise between tracks, i'd like to listen a complete cd with no interruptions... plus, between 'CD' and 'my library', under the 'record' button, above the button 'format/bitrate' there's wrote 64kpbs, and if i click the button i've no choice, any camp is blank. any suggestion? thank you
  7. thanks for reply. i already downloaded it, but i read it's an upgrade. doesn't it need a previous version installed yet? plus i'm reading about people that get system crushes with SS v2...
  8. Hello, i will receive in next days a SONY net-MD MZ-N10 from Japan, but the CD-ROM included with this japanese model is in Japanese. I wish to install an english version. Does anyone know where to download it out on the internet? thanks in advance fabio
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