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Everything posted by Kiwi_tripping

  1. now im going to make a few assumptions in justifying my thoughs.... as i have just gotten back from 12 months travelling in south america and well i was never too far away from a internet cafe....(5000m in the andies, no running water, F%$##% cold, alt sickness, only four huts and one had a generator a sat dish and 5 pc's.... they are everywhere!!!! popping up faster than rabbits) but anywhay i digress... one of the big things i liked about the new Hi Md is the ability to use as a drive... do you have a digital camera.... run out of space and you can store on the HiMd!?!?!?!? (assuming internet cafe is arround) i also found the ability to record fantastic... sitting in the amazon recording night sounds of the forest.... now i dont know if the ipod can do these things and that converting music to mini disk for me was a mission and i only had LP when i left ... but if it we me i would spend the time in the hope that the multy purpose of the Hi Md would pay off....
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