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  1. thanks for that info. Can someone owning a Hi-MD back this up?
  2. way crazey. I have no idea what you're talking about. Miss-post?
  3. Is it possible to transfer music files from player to computer? According to the reviews, they do support MP3. (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...e&s=pc&n=507846)
  4. I'm getting that these guys appear as UMS units... awesome My question(s): Since they show up in explorer as a drive, I'm guessing you can drag and drop anything into it. However, to transfer music, one needs the supplied software. What's up with that? Is it not possible to transfer an mp3 file onto the drive then? Or it's possible, but it's not indexed somehow, and will not play?
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