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  1. OK, I followed the instructions to the letter, but it still didn't seem to help. Maybe my prob is a diff one: I can copy WMA's any which way to my device fine (using any of the 3 options from under the transfer mode button). But I can't transfer some of my old, pre WMA days, mp3s. It goes through the whole conversion process and pertains to have done it fine but when the file gets to my device it is 0 seconds long. The file plays ok both in WMP and SonicStage so I'm guessing that the codec on my pc that's playing them is just not supported when it comes to converting to MD compatible. For the time being I have overcome this by getting Advanced WMA workshop and transcoding my old mp3 collection. I've not noticed any major loss in qual and the transfers now go-off without a hitch. the only drawback is that I can't use these files to burn an mp3 dvd for use in my home set top player anymore unless I keep both copies on disk. But hey, I can live with that. Ascii
  2. brace yourself, here comes the noobiest question ever! Thanks for the pointer to the NetMD Faq I've also seen mention of this all over the board. BUT, I can't find it, searching for "NetMD faq" and "Net MD faq" doesn't find anything but a load of posts saying look at the NetMD Faq. Can you provide a link plz Ascii
  3. Hello, Whilst Googling for a resolution to this problem I found this post. I'd like to know exactly how to fix it too. Strangely I can transfer WMAs but not mp3s. What are these registry edits you mention? Ascii
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