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  1. Here's the email i got from sony. Jake is the man. Hello again, The codec you used to create the MP3s may not be supported by SonicStage and would cause the issue you are experiencing when trying to bring these MP3s into SonicStage. Try importing a CD into ATRAC format in SonicStage and see if you have the same problem. Regardless, SonicStage is not an MP3 jukebox so you may encounter problems with MP3s and SonicStage. If the information I have provided does not completely answer your question, please update this incident so I may be of further assistance to you. Sincerely, Jake Customer Support Representative Sony Connect http://www.connect.com
  2. Ludacrous, ludacris... I've lived in Russia for the past half year so excuse my English for going to shite.
  3. Im having serious problems playing basic mp3s in Sonicstage 2 and wanted to know if anyone else is. Many of my fixed bitrate 192kbps mp3s play with major amounts of crackling. When I convert the files to WAV outside of SS, then import them, they sound fine. Do people convert all their mp3s to wav before putting them on my HiMD? To fill a disk i would need (400songs x 50MB)=20,000MB to make all the necessary WAV files. Thanks
  4. They are regular, fixed 192kbps mp3s, not variable. Converting to the file to wave is a fix. But this is happening to lots of my mp3s. I when i want to transfer 300 mp3s to HiMD, that will take a bunch of time and even more disk space. It's pretty ludacris to have to do. Anyone else have this prob?
  5. I have a 192kbps mp3 Bjork song (yea, yea, it's Bjork. but it has a strong, large range of sounds and so it's great for hearing the difference between differently compressed versions). I was listening to it on my HiMD at Atract3-132kbps. I was hearing some major noise (loud cracking at points) which was not on the mp3, so i created a Atrac3plus@256 file from the mp3 and transfered it assuming it would be perfect. The noise is still there!! At Atrac3plus@256!! At this point I thought somthing was wrong with my usb connection. So, I erased the omg files and tried playing the just the mp3 within SonicStage. There was still the loud crackling noise -- just playing MP3. When I play the 192kbps mp3 in Winamp and in Windows Media player there is no noise. This is horrible! Is the mp3 decoder in SonicStage bad? Any ideas? I usually laugh when i see people say this, but Im about to bring my 600d back to the store. Dunadan Edit: PS A couple other mp3s with big bass beats have this mp3 playback problem too (crackling). Ive had an MD player (MZ-R700) for 3 years and loved it (until my roomate dropped it from a little too high off the ground). However I can't live with this model if it can't play mp3s at at least the same quality.
  6. Will it be possible to write programs for HiMD player? For example, iPod has a simple address book program on it. Now that the HiMD disks are FAT file format, can people write software for it?
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