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Everything posted by unixseb

  1. i suggest you normalize your audio datas before encoding them to atrac format. what i do is rip the cds in wav files, normalize the waves and then convert them to mp3 (or any other format)
  2. Sony sucks in software (they always did) No way !!!! i'll never pollute my cpu with SP2 !!
  3. thx for answering, my cpu is a athlon fx57 with asus sli premium as mobo. it is running windows xp sp1 and i won't buy an ipod I've already tried sonicstage, it works fine except that the database construction always fails when i disconnect the walkman. i've got the latest avalaible version of the software and i had this issue with all versions i tested (from v1.0 on the cd-rom u get when u buy the walkman to the actual version) thx
  4. hello world My connect player software is taking approx 5 minutes to launch (which is more than an eternity in computers life). It stuck on showing a progress bar and saying "loading components". Any idea of how to fix the issue ??
  5. unixseb

    MP3 normalization

    Hello world. do you know if the NW-A3000 serie support the normalization via id3 tag V2 (instead of normalizing the datas, the power amplification is stored in the id3 tag). I know several softwares like winamp allow this, but never found any information related to this regarding the NW-A3000. Thx
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