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Everything posted by racket

  1. Hmm, I THINK you mean that when you say COPY from minidisc to whereever that you actually mean play the tracks real time. Gawd.. If right this is quite a job. And does it have to "record" (real time) to the new mindisc for the final copy...?
  2. Thanks again for spending the time. Then... Does the last point in the first quote relate to the second quote. Not sure what you mean by the second quote. Do you mean when the "saved' content on the Hard drive gets put onto the new MD that it goes on real time....?
  3. sorry, i guess you can see I wish to end up with the same marterial, order, gaps etc( I guess an "image") anything to avoid real time recording of each song all over again
  5. You are one helpful dude. And awake at the same time as me as well. (20 past midnight here in Oz). As the goal is to end up with another minidisc with the same material on it, can you give any more detail as to how i would get the material back onto a disc. And with this as my intention, would I not go from md to hard drive rather than CDR and then back to (my backup)md? Lastly, is this a straighforward thing to fit up the PC with an optical input?
  6. I am surprised a machine of this calibre does not have this. Could the disc be put into a player that does have a digital output and backed up onto a new disc in the JE480 via the optical input?
  7. Couldn't find the best topic area to post this. Using SONY MDSJE480 For backing tracks for performance. Want to make a copy of the disc for safety backup in case current disc is lost or damaged. How to go about this please? Best way would be to commit whole disc to memory then insert new one and copy to there. This is just a dream right? I am confusing this with using a PC or such? help is appreciated. racket
  8. hi, Recording CD tracks to MD [sONY MDSJE480], one track at a time and some have silent spaces in them. MD thinks new song and starts a new track with a new number. How to stop this happening please?
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