I am having the exact same problem... The song title transfers, but when i try to play it, it immediately stops; there is no song even there.
What I discovered is that when you convert the files to LP2 or whatever, right before you send them to the player, it puts the new OpenMG converted files into a folder called "Optimized Files." My Optimized Files folder was located in My Documents -> Download... but yours may be somewhere different. Just do a search for a folder called "Optimized Files."
Anyway, the converted files should be a few Megabytes in size, but all of mine said like 1 kilobyte or 2 kilobytes, etc. Therefore, I believe that the problem is not in sending the converted file to the minidisc, but in the conversion of the file itself.
This is all I have figured out, and I would love to know if anyone else has experienced this and knows how to resolve this file conversion issue.