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chauncey B

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  1. Ok, I took your advice and did everything the FAQ said, step by step... Still no luck... This is some unbelievable s**t. When I bought this thing, it worked fine for a long time (Using OpenMG Jukebox or whatever the previous program was called). And then one day it just stopped working. So i checked for updates and it basically said there's this new program (Sonicstage) that I needed to install, to replace OpenMG.... and I figured that after I installed the new program everything would be fine... obviously Not. Anyway, if you come across anything else, I'd definitely appreciate you letting me know.... Thanks again
  2. I don't actually know where to find the directions in the NetMD faq, but I did try to uninstall and reinstall Sonicstage... and still had the same problem... But, i did find this in the Sonicstage Readme file: - The following modules are installed as required when SonicStage is installed. Microsoft® Data Access Components 2.5 ©1981-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft® DirectX® Runtime 9.0b ©2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft® Windows Media Component Setup Application ©1992-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. - Device drivers for portable devices are installed, if required. - When SonicStage is uninstalled using "Add/Remove Programs" in "Control Panel," the above modules are not removed. The OpenMG music database created by SonicStage is also not deleted, and can be found in the folder specified in the program's options settings. i wonder if the fact that these files are not removed could be part of the problem.
  3. I am having the exact same problem... The song title transfers, but when i try to play it, it immediately stops; there is no song even there. What I discovered is that when you convert the files to LP2 or whatever, right before you send them to the player, it puts the new OpenMG converted files into a folder called "Optimized Files." My Optimized Files folder was located in My Documents -> Download... but yours may be somewhere different. Just do a search for a folder called "Optimized Files." Anyway, the converted files should be a few Megabytes in size, but all of mine said like 1 kilobyte or 2 kilobytes, etc. Therefore, I believe that the problem is not in sending the converted file to the minidisc, but in the conversion of the file itself. This is all I have figured out, and I would love to know if anyone else has experienced this and knows how to resolve this file conversion issue.
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