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  1. I formatted the hard drive on the player, not the one on the computer. Before, it worked fine. I don't know why it doesn't work anymore for 2 days. First, it told me that I wasn't allowed to transfer any new files on the player. Then, I formatted the player, reinstall SonicStage, with a new library. Now, every time I connect the player, SonicStage is searching for tracks that would have been deleted... At 66%, it stops, gives an error (The information about rights (MAC) are incorrect ) and then, it restarts... There are some files in the library, but the player is empty. So, I can't try to transfer a WAV or WMA file because it is still searching for these tracks... I don't understand
  2. Thanks for your answer but... I never used system restore and I do not want to lose any data on my computer, I use it for school (yesyes, make backup but i don't want to reinstall every thing if restore crash my system!). Do you thing we could find another solution?
  3. Sorry, I search the internet (and this forum) since this morning and I can't find any solution for my problem! English is not my first langage and it's not easy to translate French error message in English. If you can find my a link where I can see a solution or give me some search keyword, I would be happy. Thanks a lot
  4. Hum I totally unistalled and reinstalled SonicStage3.4 and now, i've got this error : http://www.atraclife.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=603&hl= (new librairy, hdd formatted, factory reset.... ) Hey why my mp3player (that doesn't read mp3 file...) doesn't work anymorE?????
  5. I tried to remove all tracks in SonicStage and then to import them again but the problem is still there, I can't send any file on the player!!! I downloaded SonicStage 3.4 there : http://www.sonydigital-link.com/DNA/sonics...l.asp?l=fr#disc (I live in Belgium) And I don't remember where I donwloaded 3.3 :s In the help, I saw they speak about 'authorization' but I've never seen that in SonicStage. Is it normal? Thx
  6. Hi, I've got a problem with SonicStage (not the first one but the first I can't solve). Every time I try to transfer a track, it tells me the transfer are not allowed or that I don't have the authorization... These files are some MP3 I encoded myselfe... Before yesterday, it worked fine! I tried to update to SonicStage 3.4 but it's the same. So, I formatted the hard drive. Now, the drive is empty and I can't send any new file on it!!! Hey what can I do? I need my music! I have a Sony Netword Walkman NW-HD1, MS Windows XP SP2 and SonicStage 3.4 Thanks! Banane
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