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Everything posted by jpopking

  1. Hello everyone, I have been a big fan of MD's since 2003 when I bought my first MD recorder. Currently I own the N707, NH900, and the RH10. I really like the Atrac encoding. I would eventually like to purchase the MZ-M200 and maybe one of the Onkyo HiMD microsystems (X-N7TX) or one of the Sony NetJuke systems (NAS-D55HD) with the 80GB harddrive. I saw a brand new NW-HD3 for sale for a total cost of $250.00. I guess my problem is which to purchase first. I am kind of on the fence on whether I should purchase the NW-HD3. I would like to get one of the Sony flash based players from Japan like the NW -A829 or the NW-A919, but I heard there is a problem with it not working with the U.S. version of Sonic Stage. I wonder if I should just pass on the NW-HD3 and focus on the MZ-M200 and either the Onkyo or Sony Net Jukebox systems. One problem with the Sony NetJuke system is that it is in Japanese, so I may have a hard time using it. I did find a user guide for the UK version. If there is anyone with any experience on any of the above units please feel free to give your opinions. Thank you. BTW Do you think that the U.S. versions of the NW-Z829 can be modified to play back Atrac files maybe through a service menu hack?
  2. Hi, I have a question about the Sonic Stage download from Connect.com. Does it include the drivers? I have a Net MD 707. I bought my first MD in March of last year and I love it! I am looking forward to purchasing one of the Hi-MD's in the near future. Thank you very much!
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