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  1. The radio on my nhf800 only comes on intermittently. When I push the white on/off button on the remote either the disc plays (which I can't figure out) or nothing happens. Are there any new sony or other models with am/fm radio?
  2. I am confused on how best if at all to convert atrac/openmg tracks on my HD to mp3 (other than using total recorder). I thought there was a tool now available? Thanks, Jim
  3. When you say you had repeat on, I assume you meant shuffle with repeat and not just play all in order and start again. I am a newbie here. Thanks, Jim
  4. Does someone know how the shuffle mode works. I have about 100 songs on my minidisk, but I think it is repeating before playing them all. I do need to change the battery prior to getting through all of the songs and was wondering if this resets it. Thanks
  5. Okay, I have downloaded Total Recorder. Now, is there a way to get it to record each track in Sonic Stage as a separate mp3, or do I need to manually start and stop each track and save them all, which will require me to sit at the computer for a lot of time? Thanks again. Jim
  6. I have transferred all of my music files to my minidisk (NHF 800). I would love to copy the files on the computer to an MP3 disc also to play in my car. Unfortunately, all of the tracks are saved in OpenMG. Is there a way to burn these onto a cd in mp3 format? I can only seem to burn them in .wav, which would take too many cds. Thanks in advance. Jim
  7. I want to put various tracks of some live concerts on my 800HD (vaiours tracks from various CDs). I would prefer not to keep the tracks on my computer once they are on the player. Will both software programs do this, or do I need to use Sonic Stage. I saw that MD Simple can do the first track but the book didn't say if it records in HD and can do various tracks. Thanks in advance, JIm
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