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  1. I see now that Sharp was well aware of the design weakness. In the manual, where it talks about attaching the battery case they make a pointed and final comment. "4. Turn the knob on the battery case toward "LOCK", and then make sure that the battery case DOES NOT MOVE." (capilization emphasis mine)
  2. I just received my new Sharp MD-DR77 portable MD recorder and I am quite dissatisfied with one design feature. The alternate, AA battery case attachment point is a tiny screw that attaches to the case via the turn of a thumbwheel on the battery case. With the exception of the two, battery contact points,-- the entire weight and stability of the battery case is supported by this very small, short screw with fine threads. I can see how these threads could strip out or the pin break off or a very short time. The pin is hardly of great enough strength to support the weight of the battery case, let alone if one should accidently bump it, applying torque to the screw. How this was overlooked in it's design is beyond me. There should be at least TWO attachment screws on this case to provide even a minimal amount of support for the battery. I am very dissapointed.
  3. Mikami: I've got a vintage, (circa 1985) Sony ECM-939T that has always performed very very nicely. I haven't found anything along the way to top it. Any ideas?? Yochanan
  4. Thanks for the suggestions. I just ordered one. Input greatly appreciated. Yochanan
  5. Looking for best Sony MD- Walkman recorder for use with mic. I do not and won't have any need to transfer to a computer and I need one that has a variable volume control on the input. Tough request I know. Any ideas out there?? Thanks much. (don't try to talk me into Hi-MD. Thanks
  6. Thanks so much for your efforts. Matching the space is not important. Just a clock radio with MD that I could fit on the table. I already have a great boombox. It's just to big to fit on a nightstand. Thanks again. J.
  7. :smile: Pic has been sent. Thanks again :smile:
  8. I'd like to insert a pic but I can't figure out how to do it. Can't drag and drop or copy and paste. any suggestions?
  9. Very cool. thank you. I will try to get a picture to you but suffice it to say for now that the Sony Boombox (ZS-M35) with minidisc that I own is just too big for this space. Yes, it's a nightstand, about 20 by 20. Maple, (Ikea style) with a lamp occupying about a 6 inch circle of the top. Thanks for the assistance. :grin:
  10. :smile: Thanks: Me? Budget? No Budget.
  11. Anyone know of a clock radio (not boombox) that has minidisc too. Any suggestions appreciated. J.
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