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Everything posted by Colin

  1. I've "encountered" a problem with Sonic Stage which I, too, think traces back originally to a Windows Auto Update. SS stopped working, so I un- and re-installed it, but now the shagger can't find my Openmg Secure Module. I searched for it myself, but it's nowhere to be found. I've spent the last two days removing SS, then reinstalling from my CD-Rom and from the Sony site, but none of these epic installs seems to provide me with a new Secure Module. I tried a system restore to --> two weeks ago, then Sonic Stage began opening to a blank immovable box with scroll bars. Not _much_ less annoying than the real thing, but not what I want. Does anyone have any idea where Sony is hiding my piece of missing setup material? Colin.
  2. Sorry, don't mean to be a nuisance, here. It seems that I'm not alone in my upload-frustration. Kurisu, I have gone into Audition to try a real-time USB dump, but my nh700 manual states explicitly "You cannot operate the recorder while the recorder is connected to the computer." Play just won't work. What am I missing here?
  3. I just picked up an MZ-NH700 after years on my clunker of an R37, EXPRESSLY in the belief that I could finally 'flash' my sound recordings to the PC for editing, rather than having to run through my line-in in real time. I use the MD exclusively for mic-recorded interviews and live music recordings. Now I find out that the seemingly hyper-paranoid boys at Sony won't let me do this. Sure, I can upload my field recordings, but only into SonicStage (and only once!), and the result is a format that I'm not allowed to edit. I have to say that this really pisses me off. Sony has hyped this great new uploading function, but crippled the whole thing by barb-wiring my audio behind inaccessible USB transfer protocols and the untouchable OpenMG file format. Furthermore, my calls for clarification to the Sony help desk were met by drools and shrugs. If, after all this, I still have to play my audio through my PC line-in, I intend to pack up the NH700 and get my $400 back. If I'm wrong on any of these points, please let me know.
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