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    Sony MZ-NH900

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  1. Might be a bit late, but thought I would say my MZ-NH900 played dead a couple of times, and the only thing that would reawaken it was connecting it to my PC.
  2. Well my unit's just died - no sign of life in motor or display (It's not a problem with the power source). It will be interesting to see if the replacement I'm off to get has the same spinning "feature". And I was just developing a theory that slowing the lid down with a hand as it opened stopped the spinning. Thanks for the responses - they're somewhat comforting!
  3. I've noticed on my new MZ-NH900 that sometimes, when I eject a disc, it rapidly spins in its casing for a second. I don't remember this happening on my old MZ-R55, even when ejecting while playing (I can't check, because I busted the eject button on that one...) I've tried ejecting at various times but, unless I leave it for several seconds after the screen's gone blank, it still happens. I didn't notice this when I first bought the machine last weekend. Is this a fault? Are the discs being damaged? Cheers.
  4. It's not just my machine then! I bought the a NH900 yesterday, and have also found the recorder's display hard to read - it's not the size so much for me, but the background is so dark. At first, I was relieved to see you could adjust the contrast, but that doesn't make any difference to the visibilty. I've been contemplating exchanging it for an NH1, which appears to have the equivalent display on the remote, but I prefer having the option of a dry battery power supply. Of course, now I've seen this thread.
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