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Everything posted by neueziel

  1. Thanks for the reply, aww man the E75 is player only. The main reason why I chose those two was because of the price but I guess I'm gonna have to wait a while or something. Also is there a way to get just a recorder or something for MD so that I can get the E75 and are there any older models that I should consider. Thanks BTW I see you like Hikaru, gonna buy her US debut?
  2. Hi, I'm new to this MD stuff so I'd really like help on what to get. The reason why im getting a MD is because I my PC sounds like crap and I'd like to also get a portable. My sources will be MP3 or through my CD-ROM drive. Now the players that I have looked at are the Sony MZ-E75 and the Sony MZ-NE410. I know that one is a lot newer than the other but I like how the MZ-NE75 looks lol, and also it has a charger feature so thats another big plus. But the my concern for me is quality, which one sounds better?? Thanks
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