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  1. Sony makes it very difficult to do anything that does not rely on its software. I have had my minidisc player for a weeks and i like it....but dont like the hassle of converting everything.
  2. That sucks...I dont know a lot about computers.
  3. Is there a way you can save them to a zip file or something?
  4. I was wondering if there are any people who trade thier atrac3plus files, in like a zip or ace file(which is a risk), if anyone knows where they are shared let me know. I think it would make everyones life easier, if people started trading thier atrac3 or atrac3plus files. I have downloaded numerous files only to find out they can't be converted or have to be converted to wave...then back to atrac3, as if it converting to atrac3 was'nt long enough. All of this is, as we all know, very time consuming .
  5. If you download music from...say winmx, how do you tell which files will not have to be converted to wav?
  6. Thanks, for the info...sorry about the double post, I wasnt sure were would be best to put it.
  7. I can not convert all my mp3's to atrac3plus, most of them have converted, but I can not figure out why they wont all convert to atrac3plus when they have the same birate and file extenstion. I keep getting"Cannot convert the specified track.....". So, I got some info from the "search" saying that you need to change the format from mp3>wave>atrac3plus. The problem is that it takes too long, its bad enough transfering from mp3>atrac. I need to have my whole file library by tuesday transfered. Is there another way to do it, or am I am doing something wrong? I would appreciate any help.
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