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Mike S

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  1. Mike S

    Access Error?

    That worked like a charm. My unit is quite new, as is the disc in it. I'm not sure if this was a random write error of some sort, or if there is a problem with the disc or my recorder. The error was on the 4th or 5th hour of recording, so it'll be awhile before I run into it again... Thanks for your help! Mike
  2. Mike S

    Access Error?

    Hey guys, I've got a MZ-NH700 and I'm using SonicStage 2.2. I have a track that gives me an "access error" at a specific point in the recording. I can't upload the track and if I playback it dies at this point. If I start past this point it plays fine. My question is, is there any way I can get this track off my minidisc? I guess my second question is, what could have caused this error? Thanks guys! Mike
  3. This is certainly consistent with what I've seen. I opened up a 10 minute OMA in Goldwave and it only displayed exactly 1 minute. I believe 1 minute is the standard fair-use time alloted by most copyright laws, so perhaps this is why it is working this way. Mike
  4. Hmm..I guess I didn't try a big enough file for my testing. I don't have a CD burner on my laptop, so I can't test this, but here is another method that was reported as succesful: In sonic stage, set your temp folder to c:CONVERT or something you can easily get to. (tools, options, creating a CD) put in a blank cdr select the tracks you want to copy select create CD from the "controls" menu when the progress bar gets to about 75%, and the filesize of the largest .TMP file (or files) stops growing, quickly copy them to somewhere else. rename the large .TMP files to .WAV files. Protection gone. Someone want to give it a go? I think you can check "test only" and it won't waste your CD-R. It doesn't sound foolproof by any means, but if we can get it working at all I'd at least be happier about this whole thing. Mike
  5. Hey guys, I'm a new owner of a MZ-NH700. I bought it based entirely on the high-speed transfer option because I use it as a portable recorder only. Obviously this DRM stuff isn't make me super happy. I started digging on the net for workarounds and found this ridiculous thread: http://forum.dbpoweramp.com/showthread.php...38&page=4&pp=15 If you wade through all the mindless meanderings someone suggests using TMPEG ENC to convert from OMA to WAV. TMPEG ENC is freeware and after about 10 seconds I had a new WAV file. Here is EXACTLY what I did: Use SonicStage to high-speed transfer off the MD to my computer Use the Move File option to save it to my Desktop Drag the new .OMA file into TMPEG Use Output to File->WAV Save Pretty easy, really. Does this solve the problem you guys are trying to resolve, or am I missing the boat? My big complaint is just being able to transfer files QUICKLY and then be able to store them in some non-Sony Proprietary format, so I think this is a decent procedure. Let me know what you think about this. Thanks, Mike
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